Price List

Les recettes Silva Santé

Les Recettes Silva Santé


Un livre de recettes thérapeutiques, simples et délicieuses. Ameliorer votre santé en simplicité avec les recettes Silva Santé.

Silva Santé Recipes


Improve your health with these therapeutic, simple and delicious recipes from Silva Santé. English version of Les recettes Silva Santé.

Les produits silvasynergie

Antifungal balm


Effective for Althlete's foot, nail infections and dry skin disorders. 56ml jar 6 month supply.

Antifungal vaporizing spray


To be used in combination with the antifungal balm for relief of athlete's foot. This is the non-oily formula for your feet and your shoes. Use to refresh the inside of your shoes before wearing to remove traces of fungus or bacteria.